Steps To Take When Your Car Insurance Has Expired

Car insurance is as essential for you as it is for your car; it provides coverage against thefts, fire, accidents, weather and natural calamities, and keeps you covered while driving on the road. At the same time, it is a common tendency to forget that your car insurance is about to expire. Forgetting to renew your insurance policy could become a risky endeavor. Other than the lack of financial assistance, you might end up facing penalties, which is why we recommend the following steps in the event of expiry of your car insurance:

Do not Drive the Uninsured Car

Accidents can happen at any time and at any place, irrespective of how safe you drive. Taking your uninsured vehicle out on the road increases the chance of it getting hit, damaged or stolen, putting you, the owner at risk. Therefore, one must never drive an uninsured car until its insurance has been renewed.

Check for Online Renewals

Online car insurance policies are not only handy, but save time too. Besides the lower premium, the quick and efficient online assistance you receive during insurance renewal saves you the tedious amount of time spent at an agent’s office.

Contact your Insurance Provider

If you wish to renew your car insurance from the current policy provider, get in touch with them immediately to get the car insurance renewed. Getting your car insurance reinstated as soon as possible will save you from potentially high penalties which you might incur in case you renew the policy at a later date. In this context, carefully read your insurance document to see if the insurance provider gives any grace period for renewing an expired car insurance policy.

Keep the Documents Ready

It is always best to keep one’s documents handy in the event of an expired car insurance policy. The documents must contain details of the car’s model, manufacturer’s name, date of purchase, first registration date, RTO address, and so on.

Re-Examine Online Details

For those who choose to log on to the insurer’s website for online renewal, re-checking the details filled in the online form is a must-do. It is essential to provide accurate information when applying for renewal otherwise it may delay the procedure for an even longer duration, leaving the car owner vulnerable in the meanwhile.

Apart from all these steps, it is always good to know the depreciation on your car vis-à-vis the last year, and check whether it is viable or not, so that you get the right IDV (Insured Declared Value) on your car at the time of policy renewal.
Check out the car insurance benefits in detail

**To understand exactly about the policy coverage, exclusions, etc. read the Policy Wordings carefully.**

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