Individual D&O provides extensive coverage to the following individuals:
Individuals responsible for taking strategic decisions and overseeing the overall performance of an organization.
Individuals holding the role of director or any other key position in an external organization.
Individuals with directorship in a company that is wholly or partly owned by the parent company.
People involved in senior roles, such as CEOs or CFOs, who are equally responsible for the critical decision-making and working of an organization.
Lawsuits and claims can burn a whole in your pocket, and that’s where Individual D&O helps the key personnel of a company to limit their personal liability and protect their assets.
Directors and officers lead the way and are responsible for taking critical decisions. Sometimes these decisions can land them into legal and regulatory troubles. Individual D&O helps them in lowering the potential risk by limiting their liabilities and compensating for legalities.
KMPs are responsible for strategic and bold decision-making that may backfire in the form of financial repercussions. Court expenses and penalties can be huge, and Individual D&O protects directors and KMPs from such major financial blows.
Directors drive the company towards success and have to take risks to ensure organizational growth. Individual D&O in place fosters confidence and assures that the top executives are protected against financial and legal liabilities.
Depending on the severity of the lawsuit, these legal cases may take time to settle, and legal costs in the form of attorney fees and court expenses can pile up till the case is resolved. To assist you with this, you get an advance for such payments within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for the lawsuit.
If the policy is terminated for any reason other than non-payment of premium or not renewed, get an extended reporting period of up to 90 days to report any claim. Any claim incurred against the insured during this period shall be covered. No additional premium will be charged for this extension.
Insured directors and officers can report a claim for up to 36 months after their retirement. However, only those claims will be compensated that were deemed wrongful acts prior to the retirement date.
In case you require emergency funds to cover immediate defence and legal representation costs and cannot obtain the insurer's consent, access emergency funds up to 10% of policy limits for up to 30 days.
Individual D&O provides extended coverage for the claims against the insured’s spouse, heirs, and legal representatives.
Get covered for travel expenses and living expenses incurred to appear as a witness in legal proceedings for the claims made against you.