Bharat Griha Raksha

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What it Covers


Cancellation and Termination of Policy

1. Cancellation by You at any Time

a. You can cancel this Policy at any time by giving Us notice in writing. The Policy will terminate when We receive Your notice.  

b. If You cancel the policy, We will refund premium as follows:


Time for which Policy in force

Refund of premium

15 days


1 months


2 months


3 months


4 months


5 months


6 months


7 months


8 months


9 months


Exceeding 9 months

No refund


For a long term policy, if the policy is cancelled anytime after inception, the premium is to be retained for the number of years the policy was actually in force. For this purpose, the premium shall be divided in equal proportion for each policy year and fraction of a year shall be rounded to the next higher year. For example, if the policy has run for 4 years and 2 months, premium shall be retained for 5 years and refunded for the remaining years.


2. Cancellation by Us:

a. We will not cancel the Policy during the policy period except on the grounds of mis-representation, non-disclosure of material facts, fraud or non-cooperation on Your part.

b. In case of Total Loss of Your Home Building in a long term policy where You have decided not to reinstate Your Home Building in favour of a cash settlement of Your claim, We will cancel the policy for the remaining duration of the policy period. In such a case We shall refund the proportionate premium for the un-expired policy years after grossing up the premium paid by You towards long term discount, if any. 


3. Automatic termination of the Policy

This Policy will automatically end in the following cases:

a. Destruction of Your Home Building: This Policy will automatically end 7 (seven) days after Your Home Building collapses or is destroyed by reason other than any Insured Event. If a separable part of Your Home Building, or any additional structure falls down or is destroyed by reason other than any Insured Event, the covers will end for such part or additional structure.  

You can apply within 7 (seven) days of such fall or destruction for continuing insurance cover. We may agree, but will not be bound, to continue the cover on the same rates, terms and conditions.

b. Exhaustion of Sum Insured: If Your Home Building, or any additional structure, or any item of Home Contents, is lost, destroyed or stolen, or is a Total Loss, and We pay You the full Sum Insured for such item, the insurance cover for that item will automatically end unless the subject matter of insurance is reconstructed and the Sum Insured is reinstated by paying additional premium. If We pay the total Sum Insured for any claim, this Policy will end.

c. Change of use of Your Home Building or Home Contents: The Policy will end  

i. If You change the use of Your Home Building from personal residence to any other purpose, or  

ii. if You use any item of Home Contents for use that is not personal.  

d. Sale of Your Home Building or Home Contents: This Policy will end when You sell, surrender or release Your interest in Your Home Building and/or Home Contents, or Your interest in the Home Building and/or Home Contents comes to an end. The Policy will end to the extent any additional structure of Your Home Building or item of Home Contents if You sell, surrender or release Your interest in such additional structure or item of Home Content, or Your interest in these ends.

e. Effect of death

In the event of the unfortunate death of the Insured during the Policy Period, the Home Building Cover and the Home Contents Cover that You have purchased will continue for the benefit of Your legal representative/s during the Policy Period subject to all the terms and conditions of this Policy.


Is there any sum insured capping for GRP policy?


To whom long term GRP policy can be offered?

Only to Individual owners

Can Long Term policy be offered for more than 10 years?

It is restricted to 10 years only

Can content be covered under Long term policy?

Yes it can be covered