What are the advantages of sticking to one Insurance company for a long time?

Sticking to only one Mediclaim plan or policy has many benefits. The biggest benefit of sticking to single insurance is security. If you do not miss out on payments of your premiums you will have back up, for your untimely medical bills. Other than this, for long-running plans, including Mediclaim for senior citizens, there are some exclusive benefits that are available only after 48 months elapse.

Other than this, sticking to a single insurance plan allows you to rack up bonus and enjoy some exclusive benefits. Besides, your coverage will increase over time and also you might get some extra discounts for all Mediclaim policies including Mediclaim for senior citizens.

When you stick to only one Mediclaim plan, including Mediclaim for senior citizens, you may get loyalty discounts, and the claim settlement is faster when you have a long-standing track record with the company, as all the waiting period requirements would be satisfied by then.