5 Technology related problems in healthcare and their solutions

Technology related problems in healthcare


As every coin has two sides, similarly, world-class technology has its own dark side as well. While there are numerous benefits to be gained from technological advancements, it is equally important to be aware of the potential risks that may come along. And it becomes worrisome when your health falls into the danger zone.

Let us look at the possible risks that may occur as a result of over-dependency on the technology for healthcare services.

# 1: Data privacy and security concerns:

The collection and storage of personal health information raises concerns about unauthorized access, data breaches, and misuse of sensitive data. Healthcare providers must ensure patient privacy and security by implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive patient information, despite the ease of access to information, thereby reducing concerns about unauthorized access.

Ask Questions: Before consenting to any treatment that involves digital records, ask where your information goes, where it is used, and most importantly, how it's protected. Being aware on how the information provided by you will be used is crucial to ensure ethical practices.

# 2: Overreliance on technology:

Overreliance on technology can reduce face-to-face interactions between healthcare providers and patients, impacting the quality of care. Striking a balance between technology and the human aspect is crucial for optimal patient care. No matter how efficient technology becomes, we cannot replace the importance and impact of the human element.

Express your concerns: If you wish to have a face-to-face interaction with your doctor, don't hesitate to ask for the same. As a patient, you have every right to ask and seek medical services that better cater to your needs.

# 3: Health disparities and access issues:

While technology has the potential to improve healthcare access, it also has the potential to widen health disparities. Not all individuals have equal access to technology or the necessary skills to use it effectively. This digital divide can exclude certain populations from benefiting from technological advancements, creating further inequality in healthcare.

Offer to Help Others: If you're tech-savvy, consider helping older family members or friends navigate health information online. This way, you can help them use online healthcare services with more confidence and ensure equitable access of healthcare service to everyone.

# 4: Cost and accessibility: 

High-tech equipment and treatments can be expensive, creating disparities in access for patients of different socioeconomic backgrounds. Healthcare facilities should be equally and fairly available to every citizen, and catering to such a huge population poses a serious challenge.

Research Financial Assistance: Many hospitals and organizations offer financial assistance programs for high-cost treatments. Research well beforehand and consider discussing other treatment alternatives that will be more affordable for you and your family.

#5: Misdiagnosis and Errors:

Complex technology can introduce new sources of errors, such as incorrect data entry or malfunctioning equipment, leading to misdiagnosis and delays in treatment. This can hamper the quality of healthcare services.

Get Second Opinion: If you have any doubts about a diagnosis, especially one that involves more dependency of technology, seek a second opinion from another healthcare professional to verify the accuracy of the procedure and the results.

Technology has revolutionized healthcare, acting as a double-edged sword. On the positive side, technology has facilitated in making information related to healthcare accessible on our fingertips. Even the complex medical terminology and concepts are now more openly available to the public through user-friendly online resources and applications. However, we should be equally vigilant about the potential risks associated with the overuse and overdependence of technology. By acknowledging the risks associated with overreliance on technology, we can devise better plans to keep the human touch intact in our modern healthcare system while being vigilant in using the technology.


Disclaimer:  This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional financial or medical advice. To determine the best course of action for your specific situation, please consult with a qualified financial advisor and healthcare professional. We also recommend referring to the health insurance policy wording for a comprehensive understanding of the coverage offered by IFFCO-Tokio plans.

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