12 Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle At Home

tips for healthy gut


Our health is very much dependent on the kind of lifestyle we have. From our eating habits to our sleeping routine, everything has a direct impact on our bodies. We often neglect our health for managing other routine tasks and suffer later when faced with an illness. This is why it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay fit. 

Here are the tips that can help you be at your best, even at home. 


Food essentials


  • Right Food Intake: Food is the source of energy for our bodies. Whatever you eat will either make your body fit or add to your problems. Avoiding processed and sugary food items will make your body less lethargic. Embrace the power of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  • Portion matters: Managing food cravings is the key when trying to cut down on calories. Instead of consuming large portions in one go, distribute your food intake evenly throughout the day. This will help you keep track of calories consumed and also limit overeating.

  • Mindful Munching: Keeping sufficient gaps between your meals helps to regulate energy levels and also prevent overeating. Indulge in healthy snacking habits and munch on fruits, roasted foxnuts, dry fruits, oatmeal, smoothies, and so on.


Body Fitness


  • Sweat more:  Keeping your body active lessens your chances of falling sick. The more you sweat, your body’s metabolism increases, and hence your immune system becomes stronger to fight infections.

  • Sleep: Sleep deprivation is a major cause of hypertension, obesity, and mental stress. Sleeping is the body's natural way of slowing down all the functions of the body to recover damaged cells. With adequate sleep of at least 6–8 hours, you let your body rest and heal.

  • Hydration: Make water your best buddy and take it with you wherever you go. An average adult should drink about 2–3 liters of water each day to have good kidney function, regulate body temperature, and flush out toxins from the body.


Exercise Essential


  • Find Your Fun: You can keep yourself fit and active even if you don’t find time to hit the gym. From dancing to brisk walking, exercising can be done in any form. Try to keep your body active throughout the day, as it ensures a good oxygen supply and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Mindful training: If you are a beginner at exercising, then it is advisable to take baby steps. Start slow by warming up your body, followed by stretching. Gradually increase the intensity and pace of exercising as you start to get fitter.

  • Make it a family affair: Fitness is a slow journey. Many people give up on exercising very soon as they lack the motivation to carry on. The best way to keep going is to indulge your family members too. Fix a time for going on walks, practicing meditation, and practicing yoga. This will nurture your family relationships and help you stay fit.


Additional Tips


  • Practice positivity: Stress leads to a rise in cortisol levels, which increases your appetite. Your body demands sugary and salty foods, leading to heightened cravings for junk food. Try to manage the stress by doing deep breathing and listening to calming music.

  • Device detox: Avoid engaging with mobile and other electronic devices, especially before bedtime. Limit the screen time at home and spend more time with your loved ones.

  • Regular health check-ups: There can be underlying reasons for weight gain. Go for routine check-ups to keep track of your overall health. A timely diagnosis of any illness can help you with early treatment and recovery.



Embracing a healthy lifestyle is a conscious decision. You might not get instant results, but you need to be determined on this journey. Celebrate your small victories—better energy levels, an improved sleep schedule, and a boosted metabolism.

Your overall well-being is dependent on your health, and it is better to take preventive measures in time. Medical exigencies are inevitable and can leave you uninformed, but with the safety blanket of health insurance, you can put your worries to rest. Not only are your medical expenses covered, but you also get perks like wellness benefits, which support your lifestyle goals. Nutritional counseling, yoga sessions, a calorie tracker, and many other services are available with your health insurance plan.

By incorporating these tips and prioritizing your health, you'll be well on your way to achieving a healthy lifestyle and a happier, healthier version of yourself!



This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional financial or medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the right course of action for your specific needs. We also recommend referring to the health insurance policy wording for a comprehensive understanding of the coverage offered by IFFCO-Tokio.

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