8 Tips To Drive Safely In Fog

Winter season is just around the corner, and fog is a common problem in India during the winter season, especially in northern regions like Punjab, Haryana, and Delhi. Driving difficulty increases due to fog and can even worsen due to smog, a combination of pollution and fog. This is why it is important to be careful and alert while driving in poor visibility.
Below are essential tips to navigate foggy roads and some common mistakes to avoid for a safe driving experience in the winter season.
1. Avoid Speeding
Tip: Drive at a Controlled, Slow Speed
Speeding is a common phenomenon that happens especially on highways or empty roads. But speeding in low visibility due to fog can lead to accidents. Hence, it is advisable to drive at a safe and controlled speed. Overspeeding gives you very little time to react in case of any obstacle.
2. Avoid Using High Beams
Tip: Use Low Beam Headlights and Fog Lights
Under poor visibility driving situations, high beams of light tend to reflect off moisture, which creates glare and further worsens the visibility. Use low-beam lights or fog lights that help in improving visibility, giving better view ahead.
3. Avoid Following Too Closely
Tip: Increase the Distance Between Vehicles
Tailgating is when you follow the vehicle ahead very closely, leaving very little distance in between. This practice can lead to major accidents when driving in poor visibility. In fog, you may not be able to clearly see brake lights or obstacles ahead, and you may not get enough time to react. Maintain a greater than-usual following distance and give yourself ample time to stop.
4. Avoid Distracted Driving
Tip: Stay Fully Focused on the Road
Being focused while driving in foggy weather is the key to avoid mishaps. Reduced visibility poses challenges while driving and demands more attention than usual. Avoid playing loud music or using mobile phones while driving. Fog reduces your reaction window, so eliminate distractions, keep both hands on the wheel, and stay attentive to the road and your surroundings.
5. Avoid Sudden Braking
Tip: Brake Smoothly and Gradually
In foggy conditions, sudden braking can cause rear-end collisions. That is why driving at a safe and slow speed is usually recommended so that you can apply brakes gradually and avoid abrupt braking. Instead of slamming the brakes, ease off the accelerator and brake gradually to allow the vehicle behind to slow down accordingly.
6. Avoid Overconfidence with Technology
Tip: Understand the Limits of Your Car’s Features
Most cars today come equipped with advanced features like lane departure warning, automatic braking, or cruise control. While these features ease out the driving experience, relying solely on them can be dangerous in fog. The accuracy of sensors can get affected due to fog. It is advisable to have manual control of the car and rely on your instincts.
7. Avoid Overtaking
Tip: Be Patient and Stay in Your Lane
With low visibility due to fog, it is important to drive patiently. Most accidents happen because of negligence on our part. Avoid overtaking other vehicles in such a situation, as you won’t be fully aware of the oncoming traffic or any hazard. Stay in your lane and maintain a safe distance.
8. Avoid turning on hazard lights while moving
Tip: Only use hazard lights when stopped
While many people consider turning on hazard lights when driving in fog, this practice is not good as it might confuse the other drivers. Hazard lights serve the purpose of warning the fellow drivers on the road that your vehicle is stationery or there’s an emergency. Use regular lights on low beams to look through the fog. Make sure that your brake lights are working fine to help others understand your movements.
Bonus Tip: Ensure Your Car Insurance is Up to Date
The chances of accidents occurring in fog increase manifolds. Make sure that you have a valid car insurance policy in place to protect you financially in case of unfortunate events. A comprehensive car insurance plan is usually preferred as it covers both own damage and third-party liabilities, giving you and your four-wheeler complete protection.
Driving in fog can be a difficult task. By following these safety tips, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with driving in foggy weather in the winter season. Ensure that you follow the safety rules and take necessary precautions to ensure yours and others safety on the road. Protect your car with a comprehensive car insurance policy that provides optimal coverage for you and your car. Drive cautiously, be patient, and keep safety as your priority.
The information in this blog is for general purpose only and should not be considered as professional driving advice. Kindly be aware when on road and ensure that you take necessary precautions to avoid mishaps on road. Consult an insurance professional for any queries relating to car insurance coverage, terms and conditions.